9th Annual Difference Makers Gala

charity fundraising, homeless shelter fundraising

Come support City Rescue Mission and celebrate our 9th Annual Difference Makers Gala. Enjoy an evening of laughs from Robert G. Lee, a seasoned comic who comes armed with a refreshingly clean, relatable act! He’s a sitcom warm-up trained to ad lib with any type of crowd. He has been entertaining audiences behind the scenes […]

Tambara’s Story

“I am brand new” Before I was introduced to drugs in the 80’s, I was a very productive person in society. After losing my job and not being able to find another one, I slipped into depression and felt bad for myself because I watched my world start to change. As soon as I started […]

Tony’s Story

“I Feel Like A New Creation” Tony was one of six children raised by his single mother and his grandmother. He didn’t have a lot of supervision growing up and was often left to fend for himself – so he turned to the streets. “I got involved with the wrong crowd. I was just trying […]

Felter’s Story

“Patience Paved a New Life” My parent’s divorced when I was young. My father was present in my life, but he was not a positive role model. The lifestyle he lived was filled with drugs, alcohol, and women. I was introduced to cocaine at the age of 14 by my father. It didn’t take long to […]

Sherrie’s Story

“For the First Time, I’ve Found True Inner Peace” Sherrie curled up on her cardboard mat to sleep. She didn’t know how much longer she could live like this, experiencing homelessness, squatting under an abandoned house. But she didn’t know where else to go. Substance abuse led her to this point, but her story started […]